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Video: Sasha opens door to a new life...

Video: Sasha opens door to a new life, new hope for disabled in his country




In too many places across the world, mentally and physically disabled people are segregated from society for the rest of their lives in dismal institutions. (And not so long ago, this was true in the United States as well.)

 On October 23 I witnessed history as Sasha Levkin, a 19 year old resident of the Vesnova Children's Asylum, along with seven other disabled young adults, moved into homes of their own. The terrace of accessible apartments was built (and furnished and decorated) by volunteers of Chernobyl Children's Project International and is the first project of its kind in Belarus. Sasha: "I won't let you down." The video shows Sasha, who has cerebral palsy, addressing remarks to the volunteers and donors who helped him fulfill his dream of a home of his own. A few weeks ago, a "mental institution" was the only home he'd ever known or ever would know. Today, he is learning to live independently and looks forward to a career as a translator and writer.







I had a long chat with Sasha (shown left in the group photo), who taught himself simple English using language CDs given him by volunteers. He's writing a book now (by painstaking dictation); memoirs of his early life in a violent, alcoholic home and subsequent institutionalization at Vesnova after his mother beat him until he could no longer function independently. He yearns for a way to "repay" those who have shown him kindness and does not seem to fully appreciate that his life story is a gift of inspiration to all who know him. He is persistent in his desire to support himself financially, and believes that he will soon be able to contribute to the work of CCPI as a translator.


Sasha understands that he and the other young men are in a real sense "pioneers" for the disabled in his country. He realizes that all eyes are on him and his success could open doors for other disabled people in Belarus. He recognizes, and we all do, that the most difficult challenges are ahead as he learns to care for himself and prepare for his future. CCPI and its volunteers will be with him all the way.


Posted by Kathy Ryan at 03:33 PM


November 06, 2008

Категория: Общество | Добавил: Vladmin (10.01.2009)
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